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Washington Youth Baseball


Welcome to Washington Youth Baseball's Shetland League. Please see the "Age Guidelines" for eligibility. We never allow players to "play up" a level and must stick to this strict age cutoff date. Shetland is designed to be a very basic level of baseball to teach our youth it's simple rules. We provide a very fun atmosphere to allow the children to play for the love of the game.

Shetland's season runs from late April through June. Only two practices or games occur each week on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Times on Wednesdays are between 5 and 8pm. Times on Saturday range from 10am to 6pm. We play using soft baseballs. Every player plays the field each inning, and every player bats twice per game. Games consist of four innings or one hour of play. Each batter receives five pitches from a coach pitcher or until the ball is hit into play. If the batter doesn't hit the ball in play after five pitches, a tee is used to ensure that each player hits the ball. The first half of the season is played with no outs. The second half is played with having outs. Score is not kept to ensure that our children focus on fundamentals and having fun. Keeping this basic format in mind enables us to achieve our primary goal of allowing our children to love learning the game.

Other basic information for parents: Washington Youth Baseball provides game shirts and hats for the player. Parents are responsible for pants, socks, spikes (no metal spikes), bats (no tee ball or coach pitch bats allowed), gloves and helmets. Managers choose colors of socks and pants.

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